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2nd Symposium Alternatives to Antibiotics

2nd Symposium Alternatives to Antibiotics
13 -15 December 2016
Paris, France

With support of the OIE and the USDA, the 2nd symposium Alternatives to Antibiotics will be organized from 13-15 december in Paris.

This symposium brings together important scientists from leading research institutes, the industry and policy makers. The symposium will focus on the latest scientific breakthroughs and technologies that provide new options and alternative strategies for preventing and treating diseases of animals and reduce the use of medically important antibiotics in agriculture. Although some of these new technologies provide the means for implementing a One Health approach and have direct applications as medical interventions for human health, the focus of the symposium is on animal health and production and food safety. The link to the conference can be found here:


One of the key sessions is on the use of vaccines as a tool to reduce antimicrobial usage. Main speakers have been identified, and we are now in a stage in which abstracts can be submitted online using the above mentioned website. The preliminary program of the symposium can be consulted here:


The symposium is a great opportunity to position vaccination as a key intervention to maintain and improve animal health.