This workshop will provide an overview of the results from the famhp’s national survey which aimed to identify the current and future challenges in R&D as well as the required guidance and support mechanisms for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), academic research centres and affiliated organisations to facilitate and accelerate pharmaceutical innovation and drug development. Based on these results a draft action plan for the implementation of the National Innovation Office at the famhp was elaborated which will also be presented.
In addition, the future role and functioning of the recently formalized European Innovation Network (EU-IN) will be presented as well as the current experiences from a well-established national Innovation Office in another EU member state.
Finally, an interactive break-out session is foreseen to fine-tune with the audience the proposed goals and priorities of the famhp’s draft action plan for the implementation of its National Innovation Office in 2017. This session will be extremely important in order to finalize and fully align the famhp’s action plan with the most prominent and urgent needs of the concerned stakeholders.
All future information on the workshop as well as the meeting info and slides from the initial workshop of May 2nd 2016 can be found on the famhp website.
Main target audience:
Academic research centres/spin-offs, university hospitals, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Technology Transfer Offices (TTO’s).
More info: Invitation workshop