2021 ISV Annual Virtual Congress

The International Society for Vaccines (ISV) is pleased to announce the 2021 ISV Annual Virtual Congress which will take place on September 13-15, 2021.  This year’s event will be led by Congress Chair Manon Cox (ISV / NextWaveBio) as well as Co-Chairs Laura Palomares (National Autonomous University of Mexico) and Guus Rimmelzwaan (The University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover).  Additionally, a world-renowned Scientific Committee will assist in the program development.

The Congress will follow a similar format to the annual in-person events and will include pre-recorded and live sessions in different vaccine focus areas including new products, manufacturing and development, regulations, hesitancy, veterinary, global health, and funding.  Scientific Sessions will include executive summaries by invited speakers from across the globe which will include live Q&A.  The program will also consist of oral presentations selected from submitted abstracts and dedicated poster sessions.  Attendees may also participate in our interactive meetings such as Meet the Fellows and Select Your Vendor Workshop.

All registrants can submit an abstract for a possible pre-recorded oral or poster presentation. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee (SC). The deadline for regular abstract submission is Tuesday, July 20, 2021.  Those who are interested in presenting a poster need to submit a brief 2-3-minute introduction video once the SC accepts the abstract. The traditional Oral Abstract presentations selected by the SC will have the opportunity to give a 10-15 min presentation at one of the plenary sessions.

Please email info@isvcongress.org with any questions and be sure to visit the landing page which will be updated regularly.

For more information: click here