FREE courses offered by TRANSVAC 2: European Training in Vaccinology

Developing a vaccine is a time-consuming and complex process, requiring a combination of specialized skills and technical capacities not readily available at a single organization.

TRANSVAC2 offers training courses ⚗?? to provide fundamental and advanced knowledge on a wide-range of vaccine development-related topics, centralising and expanding the training opportunities available to the European vaccine community.

?‍? Are you a researcher, a master or PhD student? Do you need to further develop your know-how in order to advance your research and career?

The next call is open until February 10, 2023. It covers 2 modules:

  • M6: Cytometry by time‐of‐flight (CyTOF), organized by FlowCyTech laboratory, IDMIT Institute of Biology François JACOB, CEA, Fontenay-aux-roses, France, 4 April (1 day)
  • M8: In vivo Imaging, organized by The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Fontenay-aux-roses, France, 5 April (1 day)

TRANSVAC services cover all aspects of vaccine development, for:

  • Any disease
  • Prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines
  • Human and veterinary vaccines
  • Free of charge (with few exceptions)!
  • Researchers developing vaccine candidates against COVID19 are encouraged to apply

Don’t miss your chance to apply for free technical and theoretical courses at leading European centres. Apply at
Participants will be selected by a course selection panel.

The course is offered free of charge. However selected applicants will have to cover their own travel, accommodation and visa expenses.

For more information about the training modules offered by TRANSVAC, the eligibility criteria and the application process, please visit:

If you have any specific questions, you can contact the project management team at: