In Belgium, the first residents and staff of residential care centers have already been vaccinated. But there is still a lot of reluctance. Especially the younger generation still has many questions. What are the side effects? Is it safe if the long-term effects aren’t known yet? Can different vaccines be “mixed”? Should people who have already been infected with COVID-19 also be vaccinated?
Clear information about how the vaccines work, their safety and the vaccination campaign is therefore essential.
Vaccination is also a critical part of a global strategy to control the COVID-19 pandemic.
Find out in our news item why COVID-19 vaccination is so important for you, your family and friends and learn more on the following COVID-19 vaccination topics:
- COVID-19 vaccination will help keep you from getting COVID-19
- COVID-19 vaccination is a safer way to help build protection
- COVID-19 vaccination and protection against SARS-CoV-2 variants
- COVID-19 vaccination will be an important tool to help stop the pandemic
Below you can find some additional links to websites that can provide you with useful information:
Vaccine stories gathered in the vaccine dossier of the university of Ghent. Information on vaccine hesitancy, new vaccine technologies and vaccine testing.
Source: University of Ghent -
Information on Belgian vaccination policy and corona vaccination campaign.
Source: Zorg en Gezondheid, Vlaamse Overheid
Informative movies to answer questions on COVID-19 in relation to different topics such as vaccines, immune system, epidemiology and psyche
Source: Universiteit Vlaanderen
Can we ever overcome the coronavirus?
Are we ever going to overcome it? Yes! And Filip Lardon, physiologist at the University of Antwerp, already shows the blueprint of the master plan. About where we can attack the virus on its weak spots.
Will we all get corona sooner or later? And is that (still) bad, epidemiologist Pierre Van Damme?
Coronavirus Factchecker: Evidence – based information about corona and other medical reporting in the media
Source: Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (Cebam)
- (NED, FR)
- Q&A on COVID-19 vaccines
- Supply of vaccines and vaccination materials
- Pharmacovigilance of COVID-19 vaccins
- Q&A on side effects and monitoring of health products
Source: FAMHP
Belgium COVID-19 Epidemiological Situation.
Source: Sciensano
- Connector.
Source: World Health Organisation (WHO)
Information on potential treatments and vaccines under investigation, including ongoing clinical trials and observational studies in the EU.
Source: The European Medicines Agency (EMA)
Findings of a global study to track public sentiment and emotions around current and potential measures to contain and treat COVID-19.
Source : Vaccine confidence project
COVID-19 treatment and vaccine tracker.
Source: Milken Institute
The Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker. Information on the vaccines currently tested or approved, the different types of vaccines, how they work, the clinical data,…
Source: The New York Times
How contagious is Delta? How long are you infectious? Is it more deadly? A quick guide to the latest science.
Source: The Conversation
CEPI, Gavi and the WHO have launched COVAX to ensure equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines.
Source: CEPI – COVAX
- Connector.
To be updated
- Connector.
Flanders Vaccine 3rd webinar on COVID-19 vaccines (March 11 2021), discussing their efficacy & safety and impact of the SARS-CoV-2 variants on the currently approved COVID-19 vaccines in Europe.
Speakers and panelists: Prof Jean-Michel Dogné (University of Namur), Prof Piet Maes (Rega Institute, KU Leuven), Dr. Marco Cavaleri (EMA), Dr. Johan Van Hoof (Janssen Vaccines) and Dr. Stephen Lockhart (Pfizer).
Flanders Vaccine offered a platform to its members from academia and industry to share up-to-date scientific information on the special road to a vaccine or treatment to control the COVID-19 pandemic. The first webinar focussed on the pre-clinical and clinical research for an unknown virus.
Speakers: Prof. Pierre Van Damme (UAntwerp), Prof. Johan Neyts (KU Leuven), Prof. Hans Nauwynck (UGhent), Dr. Johan Van Hoof (Janssen Vaccines) and Dr. Christian Lenz (Pfizer).
The contribution of our Belgian experts in the race for a vaccine or treatment to fight COVID-19 has been addressed in the second Flanders Vaccine webinar.
Speakers: Wim Tiest (eTheRNA), Prof. Bart Lambrecht (UZ Ghent/VIB), Prof. Xavier Saelens (UGhent/VIB) and Dr. Jamila Louahed (GSK).
Read the Press Release
The university of Hasselt, in collaboration with the UCLL and PXL, organised an online session on “Vaccination in the fight against COVID-19”. An introductory lecture by Prof. Jeroen van der Hilst, infectiologist, was followed by a Q&A session with, in addition to Prof. van der Hilst, professors Niel Hens and Piet Stinissen as experts in epidemiology and immunology respectively. (NED)