We will start this training with a comparison of the different technologies that are commonly used for structure determination. The technologies – NMR, Cryo-EM, X-ray crystallography, etc. – will be compared towards preparative work, timelines and interpretation. In a second session, the practical steps towards structure determination will be discussed. We will highlight how the preparative work that is needed for structure determination depends on the technology that is used. We will comment on the expected timelines and the sample requirements (amounts, purity, …) for the protein (-complex). In a next session, we will comment on good use of structural information, on correct interpretation and visualization of protein structures. This will all be further demonstrated in a point-by-point tutorial on screen. We will end the day with a keynote lecture to illustrate what was taught during the day in a biological story.
Optionally, on Friday 8 June (9h00 – 13h00), participants can follow a hands-on PC training on campus in Gent (technologiepark) or Brussels (Etterbeek). There will be a tutorial and participants will get the opportunity to discuss specific questions on their own project. Note that this hands-on session is optional, you need to indicate upon registration if you would like to attend or not and in which city (Ghent or Brussels). Places are limited!
This training targets scientists who want to learn more about structural biology and about the opportunities of structure determination in their own research. It is aimed at PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, technicians or other scientists with a molecular biology background.
REGISTER NOW for this training
For more information: click here