Contact information

Specify your displayed organisation or company name which each visitor will see.

Type of organisation

If you would like to change the specifications of your organization type, please reset your previous input by selecting 'Make your choice' in the box above. After this, you can select the type you prefer.
If you would like to change the name of your knowledge institute, please reset your previous input by selecting 'Make your choice' in the box above. After this, you can select the name you prefer.

Organisation information

1-4 5-19 20-49 50-250 more than 250
multiple tags - separate with comma - important for search results


Select how many projects you would like to add. (max 5)
Make sure to remove data from this editor-box if you don't want it to be displayed on your company page.
Make sure to remove data from this editor-box if you don't want it to be displayed on your company page.
Make sure to remove data from this editor-box if you don't want it to be displayed on your company page.
Make sure to remove data from this editor-box if you don't want it to be displayed on your company page.
Make sure to remove data from this editor-box if you don't want it to be displayed on your company page.

Invoicing Details

If different from the address mentioned above, please provide us with the invoicing address by clicking the button below (Show invoicing fields).

Show invoicing fields

By submitting this registration form, you agree to the terms and conditions, which can be found in the Articles of the Association (=Statuten) & the Charter and By-laws (=Huishoudelijk reglement) of Flanders Vaccine.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.