Due to the coronavirus situation, the deadline for application has been extended to 4 June 2020, 17:00 Brussels time.
Total budget: € 9 million (2-3 M€ / project)
Opening: 4 July 2019
Deadline: 7 April 2020, 17:00 Brussels time
Call identifier: SC1-BHC-33-2020 (RIA)
- Increase understanding of the determinants of low vaccine uptake in specific contexts situated in the EU and/or Associated Countries (AC).
- Develop strategies to increase vaccination rates of essential vaccines.
- Develop a series of recommendations that national and regional public health authorities in the EU and/or Associated Countries could implement in order to increase vaccine coverage.
- Proposals should build on existing research, findings and available information in this domain, as well as existing guidelines and recommendations from public health authorities.
- Should take into account the specific contexts of the population(s) and include partners from social science and public health-related disciplines.
Find the extended description and conditions & documents here.